Descending ropes through a crack, To a world lost in black. At last the desperate and diminished...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 8
In circles we go as tortures grow low, Lost in labyrinths far below. Still on level 4, the few...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 7
When is a box not a box? Here we find that the companions have reached level 4 and only 6 members...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 6
Our hero and their companions have reached level 3 of the dungeon. They've lost party members...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 5
Goblins, goblins everywhere. Rats in the cellar is the classic entry level monster/quest. Our hero...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 4
Through shadows dark in this dungeon deep, Thirteen strong their treasures seek. Buy torchlight's...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 3
The one classic D&D experience that was still missing from the story I was trying to share,...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 2
After completing the bulk of the rhyme and backtracking to add part 1, where our hero decides to...
The Delver’s Rhyme – Part 1
So I've been working on this book on dungeon delving for quite a while. Somewhere along the way I...